Decision making under uncertainty in multiagent settings is of increasing interest in decision science. The degree to which human agents depart from computationally optimal solutions in socially interactive settings is generally unknown. Such …
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Course follow-up in the bachelor program of Psychology with Human-Computer/Robotic Interaction
Decision making under uncertainty and under incomplete evidence in multiagent settings is of increasing interest in decision science, assistive robotics, and machine assisted cognition. The degree to which human agents depart from computationally …
One of the most difficult problems for an adaptable agent is gauging how to behave in a nonstationary environment. When conditions are stable, an organism generally pursues a strategy known to provide the best outcome. However, when environmental …
The ability to form a Theory of Mind (ToM), i.e., to theorize about others’ mental states to explain and predict behavior in relation to attributed intentional states, constitutes a hallmark of human cognition. These abilities are multi-faceted and …